Friends of Ludlow Auditorium

PO BOX 83 • Ludlow, VT  05149

Tel (802) 228-3238• email:

[a 50l (c)(3) organization]


"Our purpose is to promote the use of the Ludlow Auditorium

for the benefit and entertainment of the people of Ludlow,

the surrounding Black River & Okemo Valley area, and its visitors"


Checkout the Other Features of FOLA While You're Here . . .

Membership  (can be purchased on-line!  See the options at the bottom of this page)

Personal Membership

Membership fees in FOLA represents a basic source of operating revenue.  There are two types of personal membership:

  • Individual ($25 a year)  
  • Family ($45 a year)

All Individual and Family members consist of residents, property owners, or frequent visitors to the Black River area and exhibit an interest in the goals and objectives of FOLA. 

Individual and Family Members are entitled to vote on agenda items at the annual membership meetings of FOLA.  They will be given first call for tickets to FOLA-sponsored programs, advised of program activities, and, at the annual meeting, can vote for nominees to the Board of Directors.  They will not enjoy any discounts or similar price reductions to FOLA-sponsored programs or activities.

Business Membership


Business membership also exists in FOLA:

  • Corporate Business Membership ($100 a year)

Corporate Business Members will be invited to the annual membership meetings but shall not have voting authority.  The primary benefits derived from this membership will be listing of the business members in programs for FOLA-sponsored activities.

Get Your Membership NOW!


Membership Type

Be sure to include your name, address and eMail so we can credit you and acknowledge your FULLY tax-deductible membership contribution.

The mailing address for FOLA membership is:


PO Box 83

Ludlow, VT  05149